December 05, 2006

Experience matters

Everything in software can be done in so many different ways. As my favourite saying goes - there are many ways to skin a cat. And just like with the cat, any solution suffices as soon as the problem is solved. The "any solution goes" maxim is valid and very powerful tool for a pragmatic software developer. But there are points to consider.

For one, it's nearly always that we see the problem wrong. It's either lack of knowledge, perception bias or just plain misunderstanding. In this case we are simply solving the wrong problem.

For two, the problem may be a part of something bigger and the way we build the part may render impossible building the whole.

For three, and this is almost universally true, the problem at hand may be a special case of some other, more abstract problem. Now the solution that we use should be evaluated against this concrete/abstract scale.

Besides, solutions are very fragile. You make one wrong decision and it falls apart.

Given all the above, how one manages to ever build anything ?!

My answer to this question and the subject of this post is that experience matters.

To me, a "I tried it and failed and this is why" is better than "I did it by the book and it worked". The former is a sign of a creative mind that just took a wrong turn, but (and it is very important) was able to accept the failure and find out the cause. The latter is someone who believes in universal solutions and silver bullets and never asks questions. The paradox of the situation is that the he still has a working solution this time around.

It's not like failures are valuable all by themselves. It's the experience you bring out of them. Then, like I said before, you have to actually work on your experience. Experience is not the same as the sum of all your failures (and successes for that sake). Deep analysis is required to turn individual failures and successes into valuable experience.

One other problem is that experience is very personal, even intimate thing. The mentioned analysis is often subconscious and results in something that one may call intuition or "gut feeling".

But you rarely work alone and for the team, what's experience of its individual members ? It cannot be transferred from one to another and it cannot be enforced. Try convincing somebody else in your solution using "my experience is that" or "I feel this is right" kind of arguments. "But I feel different" - this is what you are going to hear.

Individual experience then can only be effectively used within a team if you have worked an essence out of each of your successes or failures and are capable of reasoning and giving arguments that never mention experience at all.

The other use for experience of individuals is have the team highly specialized, or even have single leader and support team (a-la Frederick Brooks' surgical team). This may lead to better results faster but yields less for the group development.

Besides, the team can and should have experience of its own as a whole, but it's another story...

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