May 17, 2011

Notes on implementing TLS. #2: Version differences.

The first question when starting with TLS is this: which version to implement ?

I started with version 1.2, the latest and presumably the best, initially using its specification as a reference. The other two versions I just skimmed over and since there were no apparent incompatibilities, proceeded with 1.2. Later on, when it was already working, I backported the differences.

1. What are the differences ? Are they significant ?

The real question is not about knowing what exactly those differences are, but about deciding whether it is feasible to support them all of the same codebase with minimal efforts. Luckily, it is.

There are two major formal differences between the versions.

1.0 vs. 1.1+

IV handling. When a block cipher is used for traffic encryption, the key remains the same but IV varies with each subsequent packet. Version 1.0 uses tail of previous ciphertext as next IV, while versions 1.1+ transmit the next IV encrypted inside the previous ciphertext.

1.1- vs. 1.2

Ciphersuite support. Version 1.2 allows using any cryptographic algorithm of your choice anywhere in the protocol, restricting only the packet parsing rules. With versions 1.1- you could replace some of the cryptographic primitives but some others were hardcoded.

There are minor differences in packet formats which are easily handled with a few if's here and there. On the other hand, these raise questions regarding interoperability between different versions client and servers.

2. How to test different versions ?

As far as testing goes, my main concern is correctness. In the initial phase, when my understanding of the protocol was still weak, it was invaluable to test against existing, presumably correct implementations. It allowed to quickly try the options which were unclear from the spec. Later on, as the product stabilized, I turned to loopback testing, leaving other implementations for regression testing.

The second testing concern is compatibility. Although our product is proprietary and compatibility is not a main goal, it is a sign of a good implementation and I pursue it. There are corner cases and behaviour quirks that you find out only when examining existing implementations and the more of them you try out - the better. Every successful connection to a product of others makes you more confident in yours.

Protocol versions pose a serious problem with testing. TLS 1.0 is the oldest and most widely supported, you can utilize pretty much any 3rd party TLS implementation to test against yours. On the other hand, not all of them support even 1.1 not to mention 1.2 and this hinders testing significantly. Most of the time I used OpenSSL which supports version 1.0 and GnuTLS which supports all versions.

3. GOST support.

Our top priority is using GOST family of cryptoalgorithms. Russian regulations mandate that GOST be used everywhere, and nothing else. It is unclear whether GOST is allowed to even co-exist with another cryptoalgorithm within the same system so to be on the safe side we have to replace all the TLS cryptographic primitives with their GOST versions. This is why TLS 1.2 is the only viable choice.

There are existing products that officially declare TLS 1.0 (and even SSL) with GOST support, and I have no idea how's that possible. My guess is that they did break the protocol by illegally inserting GOST where it was not supposed to be and to hell with compatibility.

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